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Humidifiers are devices designed to increase the moisture content in the air, providing much-needed relief in dry environments. By releasing water vapour into the air, humidifiers help to restore the balance of humidity, offering a range of benefits for both our health and comfort.

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Humidifier FAQ's

The purpose of a humidifier is to increase the relative humidity in a room. This is especially useful in the winter, when dry air from indoor heating systems and outside cold can irritate the mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, and skin.

When it comes to relieving dryness of the skin, nose, throat, and lips, humidifiers can be an especially helpful treatment option. They also have the ability to alleviate some of the symptoms that are brought on by the common cold or the flu.

Dryness can be alleviated by humidity, which functions as a natural moisturising agent and can be especially helpful when it is cold outside and the air is dryer. As a result of this, humidifiers are frequently utilised to alleviate:

  • dry skin
  • congestion of the sinuses and headache
  • dry throat
  • irritation of the nose
  • bloody noses
  • irritated vocal cords
  • dry cough
  • cracked lips

In addition, some people find that using humidifiers helps relieve the symptoms of health conditions they have. These may include the following:

  • cold and flu symptoms
  • allergies
  • sinusitis
  • eczema

Choosing the right size humidifier for your space is important to ensure that it can effectively add moisture to the air and create a comfortable environment. Here are some tips to help you choose the right size humidifier for your space:

  • Measure the square footage of your space:

The size of the humidifier you need will depend on the size of the room or space you want to humidify. Measure the square footage of the room to determine the appropriate size of the humidifier.

  • Calculate the output rate:

The output rate of a humidifier is the amount of moisture it adds to the air in a certain period of time, usually measured in gallons per day. To calculate the output rate you need, multiply the square footage of your space by the recommended output rate per square foot. For example, if your room is 500 square feet and the recommended output rate is 0.5 gallons per square foot, you will need a humidifier with an output rate of 250 gallons per day.

  • Consider the type of humidifier:

Different types of humidifiers have different output rates, and some may be better suited for larger or smaller spaces. For example, a warm mist humidifier may be more effective in a smaller space, while an evaporative humidifier may be better for larger spaces.

  • Look for adjustable settings:

Some humidifiers come with adjustable settings that allow you to control the output rate and customize the level of humidity in your space. This can be useful if you have a larger space but don’t need to humidify the entire area.

  • Consider maintenance and refilling:

Larger humidifiers will require more maintenance and may need to be refilled more often. Make sure to choose a size that is manageable for you to maintain and refill regularly.

Regular maintenance is important for ensuring that your humidifier continues to function properly and efficiently.

  1. Clean the humidifier regularly – Depending on the type of humidifier, you may need to clean it daily or weekly. Empty the water tank and rinse it thoroughly, then use a soft brush to clean the interior and remove any mineral build up or mould. Use a mixture of water and vinegar or bleach for extra cleaning power.
  2. Change the water regularly – Stagnant water can promote the growth of bacteria and mould, so it’s important to change the water in your humidifier every day or two. Empty any remaining water from the tank and refill it with fresh, clean water.
  3. Replace filters – If your humidifier has a filter, it’s important to replace it regularly to ensure that it’s functioning properly. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for replacing the filter, which may be every 1-3 months depending on usage.
  4. Use distilled or demineralised water – Tap water can contain minerals that can build up in your humidifier and promote the growth of bacteria and mould. Using distilled or demineralized water can help to prevent this build-up and prolong the life of your humidifier.
  5. Store the humidifier properly – If you’re not using your humidifier for an extended period of time, it’s important to store it properly to prevent the growth of bacteria and mould. Empty the water tank, clean the humidifier thoroughly, and allow it to dry completely before storing it in a cool, dry place.

By following these maintenance tips, you can ensure that your humidifier continues to function properly and efficiently and helps to keep the air in your home comfortable and healthy.

Anybody who has ever woken up with a bleeding nose, cracked lips, or dry sinuses can attest to the unfavourable effects of dry air. Dry indoor air, a cold, or other respiratory conditions are all common causes of discomfort, but humidifiers can help alleviate them.

Humidity is the measure of how much water vapour is present in the air. With the help of a humidifier, you can prevent the dryness that can irritate many parts of the body by adding moisture to the air in your home through the release of steam or water vapour. Humidifiers, which add moisture to the air naturally, have been shown to have positive effects on health.

Some of the benefits of a humidifier are:

  • Preventing influenza

Certain airborne viruses, such as influenza, have been shown to be inhibited by humidity levels of 43% or higher. The infectivity rate of influenza, also known as the ability to infect others via respiratory air droplets, is between 70% and 77% if indoor humidity levels are less than 23%. When relative humidity is kept at or above 43%, the infectivity rate drops to between 14% and 22%. You can stop the spread of cold and flu germs by using a humidifier at home.

  • Improves the skin

Dry air is terrible for the skin in general. Because it dehydrates the skin, dry air can be very irritating. Your skin’s moisture level can drop, leading to dryness, dullness, and cracking. Humidifiers can alleviate the discomfort caused by this by increasing humidity in the air, leaving your skin feeling supple and revitalised.

  • Aids sinus and congestion

By moistening the nasal passage, humidifiers can also aid in releasing congestion and clearing the vocal cords. The cells lining your respiratory tract produce more mucus when you are ill. It may become sticky as the mucus dries, making it challenging to cough or blow air. By preventing it from drying out, increasing air moisture can make it simpler to cough up or blow your nose mucus.

A humidifier can also help alleviate symptoms if you frequently suffer from sinusitis or any other issue with your sinuses as a result of dry air.

  • Soothes sore throats

Dry air is the main cause of sore throats, which are a common issue in the upper respiratory tract. The air in your bedroom can be made more humid while you sleep, which can help soothe sore throats.

  • Cough relief

A cough is frequently brought on by the upper respiratory tract contracting in dry air. In addition to lowering the risk of airborne disease transmission, using a humidifier will help you stop coughing by relaxing the muscles in your upper respiratory system.

  • Allergy reduction

One way to ease the discomfort and signs of allergies is to breathe air with a higher humidity level. Allergies can cause nasal congestion, irritation, and nasal cavity inflammation. Allergy sufferers may experience quick relief by reducing tissue inflammation. Increased humidity can cause moistened nasal tissues to expel allergens and irritants from your nasal cavity, reducing allergy symptoms.

However, mould and dust mites can spread as a result of excessive humidity. As a result, those who suffer from these indoor allergies should regularly clean their humidifiers and keep an eye on the humidity levels to ensure they don’t rise above 50%.

  • Preventative measure against Asthma

Allergens like dirt, dust, pollen, spores, and more trigger asthma attacks by causing the smooth muscle in the upper respiratory tract to contract. Using a humidifier can help alleviate asthma symptoms by trapping airborne particles that irritate the upper respiratory system. Asthma sufferers can benefit from humidifiers because they alleviate symptoms such as dry and itchy throat, runny nose, coughing, nose bleeds, and sinus congestion by moistening the air in the nasal and pharyngeal passages.

  • Improves the quality of sleep

Some people have trouble sleeping because of the dry air and others can’t get to sleep because of the lack of moisture. You can get better sleep and increase humidity with the help of a humidifier. In fact, many CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure treatment) machines for people with sleep apnea have humidifiers built in.

  • Improves air quality

The use of a humidifier is a great way to enhance the indoor air quality of a home. You should try to spend as much time as possible in humid environments. When treating asthma or allergies, your doctor may prescribe a humidifier to increase moisture levels in the air. Airborne contaminants in dry air can make breathing difficult, increase the likelihood of getting sick, and lengthen the duration of an illness. Having more moisture in the air helps prevent dry eyes, chapped lips, cracked furniture, warped floors, window sills, and peeling paint. Because humid air feels warmer than dry air at the same temperature, humidifiers can also improve the efficiency of furnaces in the winter.

  • Reduces snoring

Snoring can also be decreased by increasing the moisture in the air. A person’s airways are less likely to be adequately lubricated if the air is dry, which can worsen snoring.

  • Benefits the home

A humidifier’s moisture can be useful around the house. Wood floors or furniture may last longer, and any indoor plants that thrive in moisture may become more vibrant. Additionally, humidity can lessen the buildup of static electricity and stop wallpaper from cracking.

Additionally, humid air has a tendency to feel warmer than dry air, which may allow someone to reduce their winter utility costs.


The size of the space you want to humidify, your budget, and your personal preferences all play a role in determining which humidifier is best for you.

There are five distinct varieties of humidifiers.

  • central humidifiers
  • evaporators
  • impeller humidifiers
  • steam vaporisers
  • ultrasonic humidifiers

Central humidifiers

Humidifiers that are built into your home’s central air conditioning or heating system are referred to as central humidifiers. These are the most pricey types of humidifiers, but they are the most effective choice if you want to increase the level of humidity throughout the entire home.

The steam that is produced by traditional humidifiers poses a risk of burns to those who use them. Humidifiers that are centrally located do not produce steam.


Evaporators remove moisture from a filter that has already been wet. Fans provide power to the unit and release moisture into the air from a system that only consists of one unit.

The downside is that they can only be used in one space at a time, despite the fact that they are more cost-effective than central humidifiers.

Impeller humidifiers

Impeller humidifiers achieve their desired levels of moisture in the air with the assistance of discs that rotate at a rapid rate. These models frequently have lower asking prices. Because they produce a cool mist and eliminate the possibility of burns, they are also among the most child-friendly pieces of equipment.

One drawback is that, similar to evaporators, they are only effective for use in individual rooms.

Steam vaporisers

Electrical current drives the components that make up a steam vaporizer. They first boil the water, then allow it to cool, and finally they release the water vapour into the atmosphere. These are the most convenient and budget-friendly humidifiers available.

Because this variety can result in burns, it is not recommended for use around children.

Ultrasonic humidifiers

With the assistance of ultrasonic vibration, ultrasonic humidifiers are able to produce a refreshing mist. The price of the units shifts depending on the size of the unit that is required for your house. There is a choice between a cool mist and a warm mist variant.

If you have children, you should consider purchasing an ultrasonic humidifier, specifically one that produces a cool mist.

You are free to use the water from the tap, but doing so is not encouraged. Instead, you should look for water that has been demineralized, distilled, and purified. This particular type of water presents a lower risk of leading to the growth of mould and bacteria within your humidifier. When you maintain your humidifier, you won’t have as much of a mess to clean up, and you won’t run the risk of spreading mould spores into the air. Because of this, there is also a significantly reduced likelihood of developing lung infections. Tap water should be avoided at all costs in order to circumvent the various problems that could arise from its consumption.

Is it OK to use bottled water in a humidifier?

The ideal water to use in a humidifier is actually bottled water. However, not all bottled water is ideal. Even though bottled water is filtered, some minerals will always be present. There may be many of the same problems with this as with tap water. Look for distilled water in bottled form. The best way to guarantee that mould or bacteria won’t develop inside your humidifier is to do this.

Can i use boiled tap water?

When water is boiled, harmful bacteria are killed, but the water’s natural minerals remain intact. To the contrary, minerals are more concentrated in water after it has been brought to a boil. The mineral concentration increases as steam evaporates. In spite of the fact that the process of distillation begins with water that has been boiled, distilled water and boiling water are not the same. The water is boiled, and the steam is collected to create distilled water. Simply heating water to a boiling point and then collecting it is all that is required to produce boiled water.

In order to reduce the likelihood of mould growth, it is preferable to use water that has been boiled rather than water directly from the tap. Because mould spores are rendered inactive when water is brought to a boil, you will have an easier time cleaning and maintaining your humidifier. If you choose to use water that has been boiled in your humidifier, wait until it has cooled before putting it to use.

It’s crucial to keep your humidifier clean for a few reasons. To begin with, it’s an imperative task to guarantee the functionality of your unit. If you don’t take care of your appliance properly, it won’t last as long as it could and you won’t get the most out of your investment.

However, the main justification for keeping your humidifier clean is that if you don’t, you run the risk of introducing potentially harmful mould and bacteria into the air. The water in your humidifier will stagnate if it is not properly cleaned and disinfected. Without thoroughly cleaning your humidifier, you run the risk of releasing traces of contaminated water into the air.

In addition to impairing the quality of your indoor air, breathing this vapour laced with bacteria puts you at risk for a number of health problems. These include possible asthma attacks, excruciating coughs, lung inflammation, high-grade fevers, appetite loss, anxiety, and breathing difficulties. You might begin to experience respiratory infections, lung scarring, or even lung disease in the worst-case scenarios, which can be triggered by prolonged exposure to this contaminated air.

How to clean your humidifier

You can get the most out of your humidifier and enhance the quality of your indoor air by following these five easy steps.

  1. After you have unplugged your humidifier from the wall, the first step in the process is to disassemble it completely. As part of this process, the water tank needs to be removed and emptied out. Then, depending on the model that you have, detach or unlock any other removable parts from the base, and separate everything so that it can be identified quickly and easily. Be sure to take out the air filter as well, if it is included with the device that you are using. It is possible to clean filters by flushing them with cool running water and then allowing them to dry in the air.
  2. White vinegar should be poured into the base to cover all of the areas that come into contact with water on a regular basis, and smaller, washable parts should be soaked in a separate container of vinegar. After waiting at least 30 minutes to allow the buildup to dissolve, use your soft brush to remove any remaining residue. This is a feature included on some humidifiers, but if yours doesn’t have it, any brush with soft bristles will do. Brushes with finer bristles are great for getting into tight spaces and scrubbing thoroughly.
  3. You will need to wait around for about a half an hour in order to disinfect your water tank, so it is recommended that you perform this step simultaneously with the second step. At the very least, fill the tank up to the halfway point, and then, using a solution consisting of one teaspoon of bleach to one gallon of water, move the solution around so that the entire interior is covered. If you would rather not use bleach, another option is to use 3% hydrogen peroxide instead.
  4. Rinse the base, the tank, and all of the other components with water from the tap, making sure to shake everything thoroughly to remove any moisture that may have become trapped. It is possible that it will take several cleanings before the odours left behind by your cleaners begin to fade, but you should not worry about this outcome. Arrange all of the components so that they can dry in the air on top of your clean towels; this will also help get rid of any lingering odours.
  5. After making sure that each component has been thoroughly dried, you can then reassemble the appliance and get back to using it. Remember to change the air filter in the unit whenever it is necessary to do so. After plugging it in and filling the tank with clean water that is free of minerals, you can once more begin to enjoy the effects of having natural, calming humidity in your home.

Once a week perform a deep clean

When using your humidifier on a regular basis, it is recommended that you perform the deep-cleaning steps listed above at least once per week. This will ensure that mould spores and bacteria do not contaminate the air you and your family breathe.

Before each use, thoroughly rinse the water basin

You should empty and rinse out your humidifier of any leftover water before using it. Any bacteria that may have begun to grow inside the unit will be destroyed in this way. It’s not necessary to disinfect it every day, but doing so wouldn’t hurt, and freshwater should be added regularly.

Make use of distilled water

In order to get the most out of your humidifier, use only distilled water. This is due to the fact that minerals added to tap water are carried into the atmosphere by the vaporised water. A white residue may form on all the flat surfaces in the room if a humidifier is used. Also, the deposits caused by these minerals are difficult to clean, which is why bacteria thrive in them.

Make sure you clean and drain before storage

Humidifiers can create a more comfortable and healthier environment by adding moisture to the air. However, not all environments are the same, and some may benefit more from a humidifier than others.

Types of Environments

Dry Climates

Dry climates are the most common environments that benefit from a humidifier. These climates are characterized by low humidity levels and can cause dry skin, chapped lips, and respiratory issues. Humidifiers add moisture to the air, which can alleviate these issues and create a more comfortable environment.

Cold Climates

Cold climates can also benefit from a humidifier. In these environments, the air tends to be dry due to the use of indoor heating systems. As the air is heated, it loses moisture, causing dry skin and respiratory issues. A humidifier can add moisture to the air, creating a more comfortable environment.

High Altitude

High altitude environments are often dry and can cause similar issues to those found in dry and cold climates. Humidifiers can add moisture to the air, creating a more comfortable and healthier environment.

Allergy and Asthma Sufferers

Allergy and asthma sufferers can also benefit from a humidifier. Dry air can irritate the respiratory system, making it more difficult to breathe. A humidifier can add moisture to the air, making it easier to breathe and reducing the risk of respiratory infections.

Babies and Children

Babies and young children have delicate skin and respiratory systems, making them more susceptible to the effects of dry air. A humidifier can create a more comfortable and healthier environment, reducing the risk of respiratory infections and dry skin.

Musical Instruments

Musical instruments, especially those made of wood, can be affected by changes in humidity levels. Low humidity levels can cause the wood to crack, affecting the sound quality of the instrument. Humidifiers can help to maintain a consistent humidity level, protecting the instrument and ensuring optimal sound quality.

Indoor Plants

Indoor plants also benefit from a humidifier. Dry air can cause leaves to dry out and fall off, making it difficult for plants to thrive. A humidifier can add moisture to the air, creating a more favourable environment for indoor plants.

The noise level of a humidifier can vary depending on the type and model. Cool mist and evaporative humidifiers tend to be noisier than warm mist and ultrasonic humidifiers. The noise level can range from a gentle hum to a louder fan noise. However, many modern humidifiers are designed to operate quietly, making them ideal for use in bedrooms or other quiet spaces.

The amount of noise produced by a humidifier can vary depending on the type of humidifier and its specific features. Here are some general guidelines for the noise levels you can expect from different types of humidifiers:

  • Cool mist humidifiers –

These humidifiers tend to be the quietest option, as they use a fan to blow air over a wet wick or filter. The noise level is typically around 25 decibels, which is roughly equivalent to a whisper.

  • Ultrasonic humidifiers –

These humidifiers are also generally quiet, as they use high-frequency vibrations to turn water into a fine mist. The noise level is typically around 30 decibels, which is slightly louder than a whisper.

  • Warm mist humidifiers –

These humidifiers tend to be slightly louder than cool mist and ultrasonic humidifiers, as they use a heating element to boil water and release steam into the air. The noise level is typically around 35 decibels, which is roughly equivalent to a soft conversation.

  • Evaporative humidifiers –

These humidifiers tend to be slightly louder than cool mist and ultrasonic humidifiers, as they use a fan to blow air over a wet wick or filter. The noise level is typically around 40 decibels, which is roughly equivalent to a quiet office.

The amount of energy used by a humidifier can vary depending on the type of humidifier, its specific features, and how often it is used.

  • Cool mist humidifiers –

These humidifiers tend to use the least amount of energy, as they rely on a simple fan to blow air over a wet wick or filter. On average, a cool mist humidifier uses between 10-30 watts of energy.

  • Ultrasonic humidifiers –

These humidifiers are also relatively energy-efficient, as they use high-frequency vibrations to turn water into a fine mist. On average, an ultrasonic humidifier uses between 20-50 watts of energy.

  • Warm mist humidifiers –

These humidifiers tend to use more energy than cool mist or ultrasonic humidifiers, as they use a heating element to boil water and release steam into the air. On average, a warm mist humidifier uses between 300-400 watts of energy.

  • Evaporative humidifiers –

These humidifiers can vary in energy usage depending on the type of fan used and the size of the unit. On average, an evaporative humidifier uses between 30-60 watts of energy.


It’s important to note that these are general guidelines, and the specific energy usage of a humidifier can vary depending on its brand, model, and specific features.

